Privacy policy

Collection of Personal Information

Listing Partners collects personal information from sellers to facilitate the process of matching them with suitable real estate agents. Information collected may include:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact details (phone number, email)
  • Property details
  • Preferred consultation times

Use of Information

The collected information is used solely for the purpose of assessing seller needs and preferences and facilitating connections with real estate agents aligned with their requirements. This information is not shared with third parties without explicit consent, except as required by law.

Protection of Information

Listing Partners takes reasonable steps to safeguard the personal information collected, utilizing secure storage and strict access controls to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse.

Access and Correction

Sellers have the right to access, update, or correct their personal information held by Listing Partners. Requests for such access or changes can be made by contacting us directly.


By submitting personal information to Listing Partners, sellers consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of their information as outlined in this privacy policy.


For any inquiries regarding this privacy policy or the handling of personal information, please contact:

Level 13 / 465 Victoria Ave, Chatswood New South Whales Australia 2067

Changes to Policy

Listing Partners reserves the right to update or modify this privacy policy as necessary. Any changes will be posted on our website, and sellers are encouraged to review this policy periodically.
